苏婧婷踏进保罗住的那个不大的房间时,就吃了一惊,简单的家具上几乎都摆着厚薄不一的书籍,在苏婧婷不长的求学生涯中,这样的印象仿佛是一位访问中国的学者姿态,她眼睛所及的最近的茶几上就放着两三本英文写着的西方文学史、西方哲学和一本东方神话故事。好奇心让她拾起那本东方神话故事,想看看西方人是怎么诠释中国的神话的。保罗见了,微笑着问她喝不喝咖啡。苏婧婷眼睛瞅着书,顺势点了点头。保罗从放在窗台旁的咖啡壶里倒了杯咖啡,递给她,说道:“it is from vienna, not sure if you like.”“what?“苏婧婷看着递过来的咖啡,才回过神。
“the coffee, you like the book?“
“oh, a bit curious.“苏婧婷了呡一口咖啡,“emm, it is of good quality. i mean the coffee.“
“glad you like it.“
“the journalist needs to read so many books?“
“oh, they are my guide and my treasure, which give the light to my life in difficult times.“保罗说着,将刚刚背在身上的包取下来,从里面取出那个父亲给他的笔记本,拿出笔在本子里记着什么。
“the journalist also needs to write anytime. that's great.“苏婧婷看着保罗的举动还是忍不住说出了自己的好奇。
“haha, it's my habit. usually when i found an interesting points, i will record them in case any materials for any news writing.“说着,保罗拿出这几天在附近街道拍摄的景象的胶片给苏婧婷看,隔着光亮,苏婧婷隐约感到是一幅幅生动的sh市民生活画面,被这名犹太青年无时无刻不想了解中国、尊重中国文化的热情深深打动,那杯来自维亚纳的热咖啡此时回味起来感觉更香了。
“tingting, could you please help me to pick up some chinese book to learn as there's a book shop beside.”
“more books?”苏婧婷想到刚刚下车时经过的那家书店,自己还无所谓翻了翻。