nae purer is than nanie, o.
a country lad is my degree,
an' few there be that ken me, o;
but what care i how few they be,
i'm welcome aye to nanie, o.
my riches a's my penny-fee,
an' i maun guide it cannie, o;
but warl's gear ne'er troubles me,
my thoughts are a' my nanie, o.
our auld guidman delights to view
his sheep an' kye thrive bonie, o;
but i'm as blythe that hands his pleugh,
an' has nae care but nanie, o.
come weel, come woe, i care na by;
i'll tak what heav'n will sen' me, o:
nae ither care in life have i,
but live, an' love my nanie, o.