your hand's owre light to them, i fear;
your factors, grieves, trustees, and bailies,
i canna say but they do gaylies;
they lay aside a' tender mercies,
an' tirl the hallions to the birses;
yet while they're only poind't and herriet,
they'll keep their stubborn highland spirit:
but smash them! crash them a' to spails,
an' rot the dyvors i' the jails!
the young dogs, swinge them to the labour;
let wark an' hunger mak them sober!
the hizzies, if they're aughtlins fawsont,
let them in drury-lane be lesson'd!
an' if the wives an' dirty brats
come thiggin at your doors an' yetts,
flaffin wi' duds, an' grey wi' beas',
frightin away your ducks an' geese;
get out a horsewhip or a jowler,
the langest thong, the fiercest growler,
an' gar the tatter'd gypsies pack
wi' a' their bastards on their back!
go on, my lord! i lang to meet you,
an' in my house at hame to greet you;
wi' common lords ye shanna mingle,
the benmost neuk beside the ingle,
at my right han' assigned your seat,
'tween herod's hip an' polycrate:
or if you on your station tarrow,
between almagro and pizarro,
a seat, i'm sure ye're well deservin't;
an' till ye come—your humble servant,
june 1st, anno mundi, 5790.