that crown my harvest cares wi' joy,
were ne'er sae welcome to my eye
as is a sight o' philly.
she. the little swallow's wanton wing,
tho' wafting o'er the flowery spring,
did ne'er to me sic tidings bring,
as meeting o' my willy.
both. for a' the joys, c.
he. the bee that thro' the sunny hour
sips nectar in the op'ning flower,
compar'd wi' my delight is poor,
upon the lips o' philly.
she. the woodbine in the dewy weet,
when ev'ning shades in silence meet,
is nocht sae fragrant or sae sweet
as is a kiss o' willy.
both. for a' the joys, c.
he. let fortune's wheel at random rin,
and fools may tine and knaves may win;
my thoughts are a' bound up in ane,
and that's my ain dear philly.
she. what's a' the joys that gowd can gie?
i dinna care a single flie;
the lad i love's the lad for me,
and that's my ain dear willy.
both. for a' the joys, c.