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i', in.

icker, an ear of corn.

ier-oe, a great-grandchild.

ilk, ilka, each, every.

ill o't, bad at it.

ill-taen, ill-taken.

ill-thief. the devil.

ill-willie, ill-natured, niggardly.

indentin, indenturing.

ingine, genius, ingenuity; wit.

ingle, the fire, the fireside.

ingle-cheek, fireside (properly the ja of the firece).

ingle-lowe, ingle-low, of the fire.

i'se, i shall, or will.

itsel', itself.

ither, other, another.

jad, a jade.

janwar, january.

jauk, to trifle, to dally.

jauner, gabber.

jauntie, di of jaunt.

jaup, ssh.

jaw, talk, iudence.

jaw, to throw, to dash.

jeeg, to jog.

jillet, a jilt.

ji, sll, slender.

jily, neatly.

jis, stays.

jink, the slip.

jink, to frisk, to sport, to dodge.

jinker, dodger (coquette); a jinker noble; a noble goer.

jirk, bodice.

jirt, a jerk.

jiz, a wig.

jo, a sweetheart.

jocteleg, a sp-knife.

jouk, to duck, to cover, to dodge.

jow, to jow, a verb which included both the swinging tion and


sound of arge bell (r. b.).

juet, juit, jued.

jundie, to jostle.

jurr, a servant wench.

kae, a jackdaw.

kail, kale, the colewort; cabbage; scots' broth.

kail-de, the leaf of the colewort.

kail-gullie, a cabbage knife.

kail-runt, the steof the colewort.

kail-whittle, a cabbage knife.

kail-yard, a kitchen garden.

kain, kane, rents in kind.

ka, a co.

kebars, rafters.

kebbuck, a cheese; a kebbuck heel = thest crust of a cheese.

keckle, to cackle, to giggle.

keek, look, nce.

keekin-ss, the looking-ss.

keel, red chalk.

kelpies, river dens.

ken, to know.

kenna, know not.

kennin, a very little (rely as ch as can be perceived).

kep, to catch.

ket, the fleece on a sheep's body.

key, quay.

kiaugh, anxiety.

kilt, to tuck up.

kier, a wench, a gossip; a wife.

kin', kind.

king's-hood, the 2d stoch in a runant (equivocal for the scrotu.

kintra, country.

kirk, church.

kirn, a churn.

kirn, harvest ho.

kirsen, to christen.

kist, chest, counter.

kitchen, to relish.

kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle.

kittle, to tickle.

kittlin, kitten.

kiutlin, cuddling.

knaggie, knobby.

knappin-haers, haers for breaking stones.

knowe, knoll.

knurl, knurlin, dwarf.

kye, cows.

kytes, bellies.

kythe, to show.

&nbspddie, di ofd.

&nbspde, a load.

&nbspg, backward.

&nbspggen, the bottoangle of a wooden dish.

&nbspigh, low.


&nbspir, lore, learning.


&nbspiring, sticking or sinking in ss or d.

&nbspith, loath.

&nbspithfu', loathful, sheepish.

&nbspn, lond.

&nbspns, scots lond vernacr.

&nbspie, di of.


&nbspn'-afore, the forest horse on the unplowednd side.

&nbspn'-ahin, the hindst horse on the unplowednd side.

&nbspne, lone.

&nbspng, long.

&nbspng syne, long since, long ago.

&nbspp, leapt.

&nbspve, the rest.

&nbspverock,v'rock, therk.

&nbspwin, the reckoning.

lea, grass, untillednd.

lear, lore, learning.


leeng, live-long.


leeze on, dear is to ; blessings on; coend to.

leister, a fish-spear.

len', to lend.


leuk, look.

ley-crap, lea-crop.

libbet, castrated.

licks, a beating.


lieve, lief.

lift, the sky.

lift, a load.

lightly, to disparage, to scorn.

lilt, to sing.

lier, to jade; stress.

lin, v. linn.

linn, a waterfall.

lint, x.

lint-white, x-colored.

lintwhite, the li.

lippen'd, trusted.

lippie, di of lip.

loan, ane,

loanin, the private road leading to a far

lo'ed, loved.

lon'on, london.

loof (pl. looves), the palof the hand.

loon, loun, lown, a fellow, a varlet.

looso, lovable.

loot, let.

loove, love.

looves, v. loof.

losh, a nced oath.

lough, a pond, ake.

loup, lowp, to leap.

low, lowe, a .

lowin, lowing, ng, burning.

lown, v. loon.

lowp, v. loup.

lowse, louse, to untie, let loose.

lucky, a grandther, an old won; an ale wife.

lug, the ear.

lugget, having ears.

luggie, a porringer.

lu the chiey.

lu, a loo

lunardi, a balloon bo.

lunches, full portions.

lunt, a colu of ske or stea

luntin, sking.

luve, love.

lyart, gray in general; discolored by decay or old age.

lynin, lining.

e, re.

ilen, ilin, a far

ilie, lly.

ir, re.

ist. st.

ist, alst.

k, ke.

k o', ke o', to pet, to fondle.

ll, lly.

nteele, a ntle.

rk, rk, an old scots coin (13 1-3d. sterling).

shlu of xed al.

skin-pat, the teapot.

ukin, a hare.

un, st.

unna, stn't.

ut, lt.

vis, the thrush.

win, wing.

wn, wn.

wn, arge basket.

ar, a re.

ikle, ckle, ckle, ch, great.

lder, a grinding corn.

ll, to ddle.

lvie, to powder with al-dust.

n', nd.

nse, tact, discretion, politeness.

nseless, unnnerly.

rle, the ckbird.

rran, rian.

ss john, ss john, the parish priest, the nister.

ssin, a cur, a ngrel.

dden, a dunghill.

dden-creels, nure-baskets.

dden dub, dden puddle.

dden-hole, a gutter at the bottoof the dunghill.

lking shiel, the lking shed.

pri affectedly ek.

u'd, prilipped.

n', nd, rerance.

nd, to reer, to bear in nd.

nnie, ther.

rk, dark.

sca', to scall, to abuse.

shanter, shap.

slear'd, schievous, unnnerly.

stak, stake.

steuk, stook.

ther, ther.

xtie-xtie, confused.

nie, ny.

ols, cruling earth, grave.

op, to nibble, to keep close coany, to ddle.

ttie, dusty.

u', the uth.

udieworts, les.

ckle, v. ikle.

slin-kail, beefless broth.

tchkin, an english pint.

na, nae, no, not.

naething, naithing, nothing.

naig, a nag.

nane, none,

nappy, ale, liquor.

natch, a notching ilent; abuse.

neebor, neibor, neighbor.

needna, needn't.

neist, next.

neuk, newk, a nook, a corner.

new-ca'd, newly driven.

nick (auld), nickie-ben, a na of the devil.

nick, to sever; to slit; to nail, to seize away.

nickie-ben, v. nick.

nick-nackets, curiosities.

nicks, cuts; the rings on a cow's horns.

nieve, the fist.

nieve-fu', fistful.

niffer, exchange.

nit, a nut.

no, not.

nocht, nothing.

nond, northern.

nowt, nowte, cattle.

o', of.

o'erword, the refrain; catchword.

onie, any.

or, ere, before.

orra, extra.

o't, of it.

ought, aught.

oughtlins, aughtlins, aught in the least; at all.

ourie, shivering, drooping.

outler, unhoused.

owre, over, too.

owsen, oxen.

owthor, author.

oxter'd, held up under the ar.

pack an' thick, confidential.

paidle, to paddle, to wade; to walk with a weak action.

paidle, nail-bag.

painch, the paunch.

paitrick, a partridge; used equivocally of a wanton girl.

pang, to cra

parishen, the parish.

parritch, porridge.

parritch-pats, porridge-pots.

pat, pot.

pat, put.

pattle, pettle, a plow-staff.

paughty, haughty.

paukie, pauky, pawkie, artful, sly.

pechan, the stoch.

pechin, panting, blowing.

penny-fee, wage in ney.

penny-wheep, sll beer.

pettle, v. pattle.

philibeg, the hignder's kilt.

phraisin, ttering, wheedling.

phrase, to tter, to wheedle.

pickle, a few, a little.

pint (scots), three ierial pints.

pit, put.

cads, protions.

ck, four pennies (scots).

ckless, penniless.

iden, coarse woolen cloth.

ister, ster.

plenish'd, stocked.

pleugh, plew, a plow.

pliskie, a trick.

pliver, a plover.

pock, a poke, a bag, a wallet.

poind, to seize, to distrain, to iound.

poortith, poverty.

pou, to pull.

pouch, pocket.

pouk, to poke.

poupit, pulpit.

pouse, a push.

poussie, a hare (also a cat).

pouther, powther, powder.

pouts, chicks.

pow, the poll, the head.

pownie, a pony.

pow't, pulled.

pree'd, pried (proved), tasted.

preen, a pin.

prent, print.

prie, to taste.

prief, proof.

priggin, haggling.

priie, di of pri precise.

proveses, provosts.

pu', to pull.

puddock-stools, toadstools, shroo.

puir, poor.

pun', pund, pound.

pursie, di of purse.

pussie, a hare.

pyet, a gpie.

pyke, to pick.

pyles, grains.

quat, quit, quitted.

quean, a young won, ass.

queir, choir.

quey, a young cow.

quietlin-wise, quietly.

quo', quod, h.

rab, rob.

rade, rode.

raep, a rope.

ragweed, ragwort.

raibles, recites by rote.

rair, to roar.

rairin, roaring.

rair't, roared.

raise, rase, rose.

raize, to excite, anger.

raeezl'd, exhausted.

raunshoch, surly.

rasta headlong.

randie,wless, obstreperous.

randie, randy, a scoundrel, a rascal.

rant, to rollick, to roister.

rants, rry etings; rows.

rape, v. raep.

raploch, hospun.

rash, a rush.

rash-buss, a clu of rushes.

rashy, rushy.

rattan, rattoon, a rat.

ratton-key, the rat-quay.

raucle, rough, bitter, sturdy.

raught, reached.

raw, a row.

rax, to stretch, to extend.

rea crea foa

rea to crea to foa

reave, to rob.

rebute, rebuff.

red, advised, afraid.

red, rede, to advise, to counsel.

red-wat-shod, red-wet-shod.

red-wud, stark d.

reek, ske.

reekie, reeky, sky.

reestit, scorched.

reestit, refused to go.

reif, theiving.

read, redy.

rickles, sll stacks of corn in the fields.

rief, plunder.

rig, a ridge.

riggin, the roof-tree, the roof.

rigwoodie, lean.

rin, to run.

ripp, a handful of corn frothe sheaf.

ripplin-ka, the wool or x co.

riskit, cracked.

rive, to split, to tear, to tug, to burst.

rock, a distaff.

rockin, a social eting.

roon, round, shred.

roose, to praise, to tter.

roose, reputation.

roosty, rusty.

rottan, a rat.

roun', round.

roupet, exhausted in voice.

routh, v. rowth.

routhie, well-stocked.

row, rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to wrap.

rowte, to low, to bellow.

rowth, plenty, a store.

rozet, resin.

run-deils, downright devils.

rung, a cudgel.

runkl'd, wrinkled.

runt, a cabbage or colewort stalk.

ryke, to reach.

sab, to sob.

sae, so.

saft, soft.

sair, sore, hard, severe, strong.

sair, to serve.

sair, sairly, sorely.

sairie, sorrowful, sorry.

sall, shall.

sandy, sannack, di of alexander.

sark, a shirt.

saugh, the willow.

saul, soul.

saunt, sawnt, the saln.

saunt, saint.

saut, salt.

saut-backets, v. backets.

saw, to sow.

sawney, v. sandy.

sax, six.

scar, to scare.

scar, v. scaur.

scathe, scaith, dage; v. skaith.

scaud, to scald.

scaul, scold.

scauld, to scold.

scaur, afraid; apt to be scared.

scaur, a jutting rock or bank of earth.

scho, she.

scone, a soft flour cake.

sconner, disgust.

sconner, sicken.

scraichin, calling hoarsely.

screed, a rip, a rent.

screed, to repeat rapidly, to rattle.

scriechin, screeching.

scriegh, skriegh, v. skriegh.

scrievin, careering.

scriit, scanty.

scroggie, scroggy, scrubby.

sculdudd'ry, bawdry.

see'd, saw.

seisins, freehold possessions.

sel, sel', sell, self.

sell'd, sell't, sold.

sele, sile.

sen', send.

set, to set off; to start.

set, sat.

sets, becos.

shachl'd, shapeless.

shaird, shred, shard.

shanagan, a cleft stick.

shanna, shall not.

shaul, shallow.

shaver, a funny fellow.

shavie, trick.

shaw, a wood.

shaw, to show.

shearer, a reaper.

sheep-shank, a sheep's trotter; nae sheep-shank bane = a person of

no sll iortance.

sheerly, wholly.

sheers, scissors.

sherra-or, sheriffir.

sheugh, a ditch, a furrow; gutter.

sheuk, shook.

shiel, a shed, cottage.

shill, shrill.

shog, a shake.

shool, a shovel.

shoon, shoes.

shore, to offer, to threaten.

short syne, a little while ago.

shouldna, should not.

shouther, showther, shoulder.

shure, shore (did shear).

sic, such.

san, such a.

sicker, steady, certain; sicker score = strict conditions.

sidelins, sideways.

siller, silver; ney in general.

sier, suer.

sin, son.

sin', since.

sindry, sundry.

singet, singed, shriveled.

sinn, the sun.

sinny, sunny.

skaith, dage.

skeigh, skiegh, skittish.

skellu a good-for-nothing.

skelp, a p, a sck.

skelp, to spank; skelpin at it = driving at it.

skelpie-lier's-face, a technical terin fele scolding (r. b.).

skelvy, shelvy.

skiegh, v. skeigh.

skinking, watery.

skinklin, glittering.

skirl, to cry or sound shrilly.

sklent, a nt, a turn.

sklent, to nt, to squint, to cheat.

skouth, scope.

skriech, a screa

skriegh, to screa to whinny.

skyrin, ring.

skyte, squirt,sh.

de, slid.

e, the sloe.

p, a breach in a fence; a gate.

w, slow.

slee, sly, ingenious.

sleekit, sleek, crafty.

slidd'ry, slippery.

sloken, to ke.

slypet, slipped.

s', sll.

sddu a powder.

sek, ske.

sddy, sthy.

sor'd, sthered.

sutie, stty.

strie, a sll collection; a litter.

snakin, sneering.

snap srt.

snapper, to stule.

snash, abuse.

snaw, snow.

snaw-broo, snow-brew (lted snow).

sned, to lop, to prune.

sneeshin ll, a snuff-box.

snell, bitter, biting.

snick, atch; snick-drawing = scheng; he weel a snick can draw =

he is good at cheating.

snirtle, to snigger.

snoods, fillets worn by ids.

snool, to cringe, to snub.

snoove, to go slowly.

snowkit, snuffed.

sodger, soger, a soldier.

sonsie, sonsy, pleasant, good-natured, jolly.

soo to swi

soor, sour.

sough, v. sugh.

souk, suck.

soupe, sup, liquid.

souple, supple.

souter, cobbler.

sowens, porridge of oat flour.

sowps, sups.

sowth, to huor whistle in a low tune.

sowther, to solder.

spae, to foretell.

spails, chips.

spairge, to ssh; to spatter.

spak, spoke.

spates, floods.

spavie, the spavin.

spavit, spavined.

spean, to wean.

speat, a flood.

speel, to cli.

speer, spier, to ask.

speet, to spit.

spence, the parlor.

spier. v. speer.

spleuchan, pouch.

splore, a frolic; a carousal.

sprachl'd, ered.

sprattle, scrale.

spreckled, speckled.

spring, a quick tune; a dance.

sprittie, full of roots or sprouts (a kind of rush).

sprush, spruce.

spunk, a tch; a spark; fire, spirit.

spunkie, full of spirit.

spunkie, liquor, spirits.

spunkies, jack-o'nterns, will-o'-wisps.

spurtle-de, the pot-stick.

squatter, to p.

squattle, to squat; to settle.

stacher, to totter.

staggie, di of staig.

staig, a young horse.

stan', stand.

stane, stone.

stan't, stood.

stang, sting.

stank, a at; a pond.

stap, to stop.

stapple, a stopper.

stark, strong.

starnies, di of starn, star.

starns, stars.

startle, to course.

stauel, half-witted.

staw, a stall.

staw, to surfeit; to sicken.

staw, stole.

stechin, craing.

steek, a stitch.

steek, to shut; to close.

steek, to shut; to touch, ddle with.

steeve, coact.

stell, a still.

sten, a leap; a spring.

sten't, sprang.

stented, erected; set on high.

stents, assessnts, dues.

steyest, steepest.

stibble, stubble.

stibble-rig, chief reaper.

stick-an-stowe, coletely.

stilt, li (with the aid of stilts).

stiart, a quarter peck.

stirk, a young bullock.

stock, a nt of cabbage; colewort.

stoited, stuled.

stoiter'd, staggered.

stoor, harsh, stern.

stoun', pang, throb.

stoure, dust.

stourie, dusty.

stown, stolen.

stownlins, by stealth.

stoyte, to stagger.

strae death, death in bed. (i. e., on straw).

staik, to stroke.

strak, struck.

strang, strong.

straught, straight.

straught, to stretch.

streekit, stretched.

striddle, to straddle.


strunt, liquor.

strunt, to swagger.

studdie, an anvil.

stuie, di of stu; a worn quill.

sturt, worry, trouble.

sturt, to fret; to vex.

sturtin, frighted, staggered.

sty, the faintest trace.

sucker, sugar.

sud, should.

sugh, sough, sigh, an, wail, swish.

suh, churl.

sune, soon.

suthron, southern.

swaird, sward.

swall'd, swelled.

swank, lier.

swankies, strapping fellows.

swap, exchange.

swapped, swopped, exchanged.

swarf, to swoon.

swat, sweated.

swatch, sale.

swats, new ale.

sweer, v. dead-sweer.

swirl, curl.

swirlie, twisted, knaggy.

swith, haste; off and away.

swither, doubt, hesitation.

swoo swi

swoor, swore.

sybow, a young union.

syne, since, then.

tack, possession, lease.

tacket, shoe-nail.

tae, to.

tae, toe.

tae'd, toed.

taed, toad.

taen, taken.

taet, sll quantity.

tairge, to target.

tak, take.

tald, told.

tane, one in contrast to other.

tangs, tongs.

tap, top.

tapetless, senseless.

tapst, topst.

tappet-hen, a crested hen-shaped bottle holding three quarts of


tap-pickle, the grain at the top of the stalk.

topsalteerie, topsy-turvy.

targe, to exane.

tarrow, to tarry; to be reluctant, to rr; to weary.

tassie, a goblet.

tauk, talk.

tauld, told.

tawie, tractable.

tawpie, a foolish won.

tawted, tted.

teats, sll quantities.

teen, vexation.

tell'd, told.

teer-pin, a fiddle-peg; the regting pin of the spinning-wheel.

tent, heed.

tent, to tend; to heed; to observe.

tentie, watchful, careful, heedful.

tentier, re watchful.

tentless, careless.

tester, an old silver coin about sixpence in value.

teugh, tough.

teuk, took.

thack, thatch; thack and rape = the covering of a house, and so, ho


thae, those.

thair sll guts; catgut (a fiddle-string).

theckit, thatched.

thegither, together.

thick, v. pack an' thick.

thieveless, forbidding, spiteful.

thiggin, begging.

thir, these.

thirl'd, thrilled.

thole, to endure; to suffer.

thou'se, thou shalt.

thowe, thaw.

thowless,zy, useless.

thrang, busy; thronging in crowds.

thrang, a throng.

thrapple, the windpipe.

thrave, twenty-four sheaves of corn.

thraw, a twist.

thraw, to twist; to turn; to thwart.

thraws, throes.

threap, intain, argue.

threeso, trio.

thretteen, thirteen.

thretty, thirty.

thrissle, thistle.

thristed, thirsted.

through, k to through = ke good.

throu'ther (through other), pell-ll.

thuart, polecat.

thyne, alone.

tight, girt, prepared.

till, to.

till't, to it.

tier, tier, terial.

tine, to lose; to be lost.

tinkler, tinker.

tint, lost

tippence, twopence.

tip, v. toop.

tirl, to strip.

tirl, to knock for entrance.

tither, the other.

tittlin, whispering.

tocher, dowry.

tocher, to give a dowry.

tocher-gude, rriage portion.

tod, the fox.

to-fa', the fall.

too ety.

toop, tup, ra

toss, the toast.

toun, town; farsteading.

tousie, shaggy.

tout, st.

tow, x, a rope.

townd, townt, a twelventh.

towsing, ruling (equivocal).

toyte, to totter.

tozie, flushed with drink.

tra, shafts.

transgrify, change.

trashtrie, sll trash.

trews, trousers.

trig, neat, tri

trinklin, flowing.

trin'le, the wheel of a barrow.

trogger, packn.

troggin, wares.

troke, to barter.

trouse, trousers.

trowth, in truth.

tru, a jew's harp.

tryste, a fair; a cattle-rket.

trysted, appointed.

trysting, eting.

tulyie, tulzie, a squabble; a tussle.

twa, two.

twafauld, twofold, double.

twal, twelve; the twal = twelve at night.

twalpennie worth, a penny worth (english ney).

twang, twinge.

twa-three, two or three.

tway, two.

twin, twine, to rob; to deprive; bereave.

twistle, a twist; a sprain.

tyke, a dog.

tyne, v. tine.

tysday, tuesday.

ulzie, oil.

unchancy, dangerous.

unco, rerkably, uncoonly, excessively.

unco, rerkable, uncoon, terrible (sarcastic).

uncos, news, strange things, wonders.

unkend, unknown.

unsicker, uncertain.

unskaithed, unhurt.

usquabae, usquebae, whisky.

vauntie, proud.

vera, very.

virls, rings.

vittle, victual, grain, food.

vogie, vain.

wa', waw, a wall.

wab, a web.

wabster, a weaver.

wad, to wager.

wad, to wed.

wad, would, would have.

wad'a, would have.

wadna, would not.

wadset, a rtgage.

wae, woful, sorrowful.

wae, wo; wae's = wo is to .

waesucks, s!

wae worth, wo befall.

wair, v. ware.

wale, to choose.

wale, choice.

walie, wawlie, choice, ale,rge.

wallop, to kick; to dangle; to gallop; to dance.

waly fa', ill befall!

wa, the belly.

wafou, bellyful.

wan, won.

wanchancie, dangerous.

wanrestfu', restless.

ware, wair, to spend; bestow.

ware, worn.

wark, work.

wark-lu, tool.

warl', warld, world.

warlock, a wizard

warl'y, warldly, worldly.

warran, warrant.

warse, worse.

warsle, warstle, wrestle.

wast, west.

wastrie, waste.

wat, wet.

wat, wot, know.

water-fit, water-foot (the river's uth).

water-kelpies, v. kelpies.

wauble, to wobble.

waught, a draft.

wauk, to awake.

wauken, to awaken.

waukin, awake.

waukit (with toil), horny.

waukrife, wakeful.

waulie, jolly.

waur, worse.

waur, to worst.

waur't, worsted, beat.

wean (wee one), a child.

weanies, babies.

weason, weasand.

wecht, a asure for corn.

wee, a little; a wee = a short space or ti.

wee things, children.

weel, well.

weel-faured, well-favored.

weel-gaun, well-going.

weel-hain'd, well-saved.

weepers, urnings (on the steeve or hat).

werena, were not.

we'se, we shall.

westlin, western.

wha, who.

whaizle, wheeze.

whalpet, whelped.

wha who

whan, when.

whang, a shive.

whang, flog.

whar, whare, where.

wha's whose.

wha's, who is.

whase, whose.

what for, whatfore, wherefore.

whatna, what.

what reck, what tter; nevertheless.

whatt, whittled.

whaup, the curlew.

whaur, where.

wheep, v. penny-wheep.

wheep, jerk.

whid, a fib.

whiddin, scudding.

whids, gaols.

whigleeries, crotches.

whingin, whining.

whins, furze.

whirlygigu, flourishes.

whist, silence.

whissle, whistle.

whitter, a draft.

whittle, a knife.

wi', with.

wick a bore, hit a curling-stone obliquely and send it through an


wi's, with his.

wi't, with it.

widdifu', gallows-worthy.

widdle, wriggle.

wiel, eddy.

wight, strong, stout.

wighter, re influential.

willcat wildcat.

willyart, disordered.

wile, to ander.

win, won.

winn, to winnow.

winna, will not.

winnin, winding.

winnock, window.

winnock-bunker, v. bunker.

win't, did wind.

wintle, a sorsault.

wintle, to stagger; to swing; to wriggle.

winze, a curse.

wiss, wish.

won, to dwell.

wonner, a wonder.

woo', wool.

woodie, woody, a rope (originally of withes); a gallows rope.

woodies, twigs, withes.

wooer-babs, love-knots.

wordy, worthy.

worset, worsted.

worth, v. wae worth.

wraith, ghost.

wrang, wrong.

wud, wild, d.

wule, wile.

wyliecoat, undervest.

wyte (weight), .

wyte, to ; to reproach.

yard, a garden; a stackyard.

yaud, an old re.

yealings, coevals.

yell, dry (lkless).

yerd, earth.

yerkit, jerked.

yerl, earl.

ye'se, ye shall.

yestreen,st night.

yett, a gate.

yeuk, to itch.

yill, ale.

yill-caup, ale-stoup.

yird, yearth, earth.

yokin, yoking; a spell; a day's work.

yon, yonder.

'yont, beyond.

yowe, ewe.

yowie, di of ewe; a pet ewe.

yule, christs.


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