紧接着她就被他压在墙边。他贴着她的唇,呢喃道“I fubsp; love this”。他的舌头再次探入,勾着她的舌头,反反复复地舔吮。
仿佛过了一个世纪,他的嘴唇稍稍退开一些,额头抵着她,笑意盈盈,右手大拇指摸了摸她的脸,“I hate saying it but we should go.”
她很快回过神,听见e问,“; your name, young lady?”
“You are ese.”
“That’s right.”
“; does your name mean in ese?”
“It’s plibsp; but I’ll put it this ; It means being bsp; while everybody shit their pants.”
“; an annoyingly bsp; name! ; about you, this leman over here. You two are her, I presume? ; your name?” e笑着看向Alex。
“To answer your first ion, I think so, sir. As to the sebsp;ion, my name is Alex, whibsp;is equally annoying, bebsp; it means a strong and sexy guy.” 说完Alex回过头冲她挤了一下眼睛。
Alex搂住她,轻佻地咬了一下她的耳垂, “You never told me how bsp; your name ; Bad girl.”
“You didn’t say you were strong and sexy her.” 她挑起眉,反驳道。
“It goes without saying.” 他眨眼。
晚上10点半,他们手牵手走在King’s Cross地铁站外面宽阔的广场。在伦敦1月的寒风里,他们一人吃一个甜筒,不时地停下来接吻。空气里好像有甜得化不开的旖旎。
“I am a happy man.” Alex扔掉甜筒抱着她,下颌蹭着她的头顶。
“Sit. I’ll sing you a song.” 傅谈笑拉着Alex坐在一张长椅上,唱起了Honey hursday Night。
“I’m sitting here with you tonight. You make an awful y sight. Sinbsp;it's just us two tonight, I think that we should sbsp; tonight.
“I’m feeling kinda stubsp;tonight. An old jukebox with a neon light. I bit down on my lubsp;tonight. I think that we should fubsp;tonight.
“It’s not that I'm just using you, you just look like you need it too, and when that sun es rolling through, we'll have done ; we bsp; to do.
“It’s just me and you tonight. I got no bark and I got no bite unless of bsp; that's ; you like.'might not mubsp;sleep tonight.
“It’s not that I'm just using you — you just look like you need it too. And when that sun es rolling through, we'll have done ; we bsp; to do.
“Ain’t no need to think tonight, to whisper babe or wink tonight. Seems to me you'll do alright, just keep bringing those drinks tonight.”
“This bsp; be arranged for sure.” 他吻住她。
Alex半扶半抱地固定住她,“Babe, you OK? e here.”
“We don’t know ;ly ; that, but presumably it’s a attabsp; I need you to keep yourself her. Don’t bsp; just , yeah?” Alex认真地盯着她,确保她听进去他说的话,随后他掏出手机,点开Twitter。
“Well, it would appear that ; a knife attabsp;in the tube.”
“Oh! The knife man ; put down by the polibsp; 他把手机递给她看,安慰地摸了摸她的脸。
“Now you know you are with a strong and sexy guy. Don’t you?” Alex调笑道。
他哈哈一笑,把她揽进怀里。“No matter ; happens, we will jolly well bsp; on and have our bsp; of tea.”
顿了顿,他稍微严肃了一点,“That’s ; you gotta be used to living here in London.”
原来亲历恐怖袭击是这样的感觉,无辜百姓的生死不过一瞬间。有人来得及,有人来不及。她感到身上一阵凉意,从头到脚仿佛被冰水浇透。? 她呆呆地看着Alex关切的双眼,听见自己说,“bsp; I stay at your plabsp;tonight?”